Wachusett Dam &Reservoir


The Biggest Boulder

The site chosen for the location of the Wachusett Dam was across a narrow gorge lying between two hills, with the Nashua River running between them in Clinton.

It was required that the millpond there be drained and the riverbed soils be excavated to bedrock all the way across, a depth of nearly a hundred feet.

This story is about the collection of boulders, both large and small, that were found interspersed among the soils and the methods used to remove them.

The biggest one of all was larger than a two-story house and weighed over 1,200 tons.

Quite a rock!, indeed


The Biggest Bolder 

Here the platform in the foreground stood over twenty feet tall and the bottom of that rock lie still embedded in the soil.


Read on to see how they did it.



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