West Boylston – Lower Village   


West Boylston – Lower Village

Hello Everyone. My name is Brendan Green and I am a Junior studying Mechanical Engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Over the last couple months, my team and I were given the opportunity to participate in this project of bringing the Lost Villages of West Boylston to life. It was an exciting and compelling experience on a very discrete subject.


Being a Mechanical Engineering major concentrated in design, the aspect of 3D modeling buildings from source material images was very intriguing to me. Our project team along with our sponsor, Professor Marrone, and our advisors, Professor Stanlick and Professor Eddy, are very happy with the outcome of our work, and we hope the residents of West Boylston and anyone interested in this topic is as well.




Brendan Green

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Mechanical Engineering Class of 2022

The Lower Village was a residential zone within walking distance of the Clarendon Mills and the station house of the Central Massachusetts Railroad (CMRR). This community hosted housing, markets and entertainments. Its main road was East Main Street which led easterly from the Baptist Church, through the village and the mill, all the way to Boylston and Sawyer’s Mills where it joined with Cross Street (Boylston), Chace Hill Road (Sterling) and South Meadow Road (Clinton). Old Prospect Street, leading from the Holbrook area was its cross road. 

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