Pool and Fountain

Wachusett Dam & Reservoir Hidden Hydraulics at the Dam Pool and Fountain This part of the series addresses the flow of water after it leaves the Lower Gate House and makes its way downstream through the pool and fountain before passing the crest of the overflow weir and entering the river (millpond) below. Please note… Continue reading Pool and Fountain

Lower Gate House

Wachusett Dam & Reservoir Hidden Hydraulics at the Dam Lower Gate House Excerpted from the: Sixth Annual Report of Metropolitan Water Board for the Year 1900 Annual Report of the Chief Engineer Dam Design Details Lower Gate Chamber The lower gate-chamber is located immediately below the dam and is to serve as a head house… Continue reading Lower Gate House

Channel Velocity Control

Hidden Hydraulics at the Dam Channel Velocity Controls It is true…the dam and its reservoir are a big project and they sometimes produce big problems which require specially engineered solutions. The prodigious amounts of water collected, often more than the reservoir can hold, is released over the weir at the upper end of the waste… Continue reading Channel Velocity Control

Hurricane Ida

Hurricane Ida at the Waste Channel (Spillway) September 2021 All, The Nashua River watershed received nearly 5 inches of rain in two days from the recent Hurricane Ida, so I hiked the spillway to see first hand to what heights the discharge reached. It did not disappoint, not only was the water deeper in the… Continue reading Hurricane Ida