The Big Roads

Wachusett Dam & Reservoir The Big Roads I had occasion to deliver this lecture recently at a local library. As it was well received I decided to post the slides just as I delivered them.                                      … Continue reading The Big Roads

DeMarzio & Gietullio

Wachusett Dam & Reservoir DeMarzio & Gietulio Recently I was given access by the Beaman Public Library in West Boylston to its carefully preserved archive of the writings of local resident Mary A. Cook dating from 1895 through 1928. Her daily submittals to the Worcester Daily Telegram often included valuable insights into the activities… Continue reading DeMarzio & Gietullio

The Shortest Road

Wachusett Dam & Reservoir The Shortest Road The people in Boylston and West Boylston were not happy. In their view the Metropolitan Water Board  had come to take a lot from them without offering much in return. The Water Board  had its mandate, however, and was determined to perform its duties as directed. Boylston… Continue reading The Shortest Road

The North Dike

The Wachusett Dam & Reservoir The North Dike It’s big all right…over two miles long in all. It contains the topsoil that was painstakingly stripped by hand from over 7 square mile of farmland…nearly six million cubic yards, a volume twice that of the Great Pyramid. It would be, in 1895, a world class… Continue reading The North Dike

New England Water Works Award

The Wachusett Dam & Reservoir New England Water Works Association The New England Water Works Association generously awarded its endorsement and this Distinguished Public Involvement Award to this site in recognition of efforts to educate the general public about the intricacies of the Wachusett Dam and Reservoir Project. My thanks to the readers and… Continue reading New England Water Works Award

Boylston to Clinton via River Street

The Wachusett Dam & Reservoir Road Trip: Boylston to Clinton via River Street The road descends quickly along River Street in Boylston to the valley floor where it winds its way to the South Clinton Station. Turning left it crosses the river bridge to South Main Street in Clinton where it ascends the massive… Continue reading Boylston to Clinton via River Street

Clinton to Sterling via Campground Road

The Wachusett Dam & Reservoir Road Trip: Clinton to Sterling via Campground Road From Boylston Street at the Dam this road makes a long slow descent to valley floor near the Hastings group, winds through the valley into Boylston past the South Clinton Station and Sawyer’s Mills before climbing to the rim above the… Continue reading Clinton to Sterling via Campground Road

Boylston to Sterling via Chace Hill Road

The Wachusett Dam & Reservoir Road Trip: Boylston to Sterling via Chace Hill Road This road, Old Main Street, leaves the highway about a mile north of Boylston and travels on high ground as far as Tahanto Regional High School before descending to Sawyer’s Mills village (sometimes called Boylston Centre) on the valley floor,… Continue reading Boylston to Sterling via Chace Hill Road