Rip Rap

Wachusett Dam & Reservoir Rip Rap Rip rap at the South Dike Many have been asking what Rip Rap is exactly. I put this article together to  help explain its use at the North Dike, where it came from and how it was moved there. Rip Rap is a collection of heavy stones placed… Continue reading Rip Rap

South Main Street

Wachusett Dam & Reservoir South Main Street   1896 Here is a little entertainment for my old classmates who grew up on South Main Street and should recognize much of what is presented below. I hope you like it…and don’t forget to become a subscriber to receive future articles. Thanks, Paul Marquee… Menu… Post… Continue reading South Main Street

Short Stories by Mary A. Cook

Wachusett Dam & Reservoir Short Stories by Mary A. Cook Short Stories by Mary A. Cook Mary E. Cook arrived in West Boylston from New York City around1895. A keen observer of daily community life, from marriages, death notices, social functions, she collected every possible bit of news that could be found on her… Continue reading Short Stories by Mary A. Cook